- March 27, 2017
Just look around yourself and you will see science everywhere. It is the knowledge of all the stuff that is in the universe. From a single atom to the nuclear reactions you will find the world full of science. It is a different subject in many ways, but once you understand, you will know a lot about the natural world.
Why is the Sky Blue?
Why have the Leopards spots?
What are eclipses?
And so many questions come to our mind. These require magical explanations. Here is the need of understanding this topic so that we can understand the world around us. Millions of scientists are working all around the world to solve different puzzles of how the universe works. What are the stories of nature, etc?
Without science, the modern world would now have been this modern, but still, we have to learn a lot. It is a complex topic but once we have command over it, we can find solutions in different and innovative ways. It is not only knowledge but a complete process of knowing. If we want peace in our lives, it is necessary that we should become familiar with our surroundings. What are stars or the moon? What are natural resources? How human body came into being? How does rainfall? And many more questions are there. Once we are fully aware of the little facts about how the earth works, it will be easy to recognize other things as well.
Out five senses; sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch collaborate together to better know about the surroundings we are living in. The basic need of understanding this is so that children have proper recognition of their environment. It simply explains the world around us. This subject is not for the people who are scientists, but many other fields involve science such as electricians, mechanics, architects, and horticulturalists.
It is very interesting and full of fun, it is said that children are natural scientists. They are curious and full of energy. That’s why kids understand the nature more than many of us and they are always keen to learn more. We rely on science in every aspect of life including transportation, health, and communication and even in cooking. If we look around, we will find that it is a blessing of this subject that we have discovered from tiny cells in our body to giant mountains present in this universe.